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Dashboard Overview
The Mobile Worx Dashboard allows you to quickly and easily access work orders as well as perform a variety of actions on your mobile device.
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Departments Menu
The Departments Menu allows you to easily switch between the departments your WorxHub account has access to. You will only see the departments that your account has purchased or departments that pertain to your user role.
Online and Offline Modes
The Online/Offline toggle is useful if you know you will be performing work in an area with poor or no service. First, be sure you are in an area with strong service, then tap the Online/Offline toggle switch to go Offline. When you return to an area with stronger service, tap the toggle again to go back Online and your work will automatically be synced to your WorxHub account.
In the top right corner is the Bulletins button, which will display a red badge with a count of unread bulletins. Clicking this button will expand a panel where you can view all bulletins available for display.
- Click mark as read to reduce the number of unread bulletins advertised on the banner.
- Click mark all as read to reduce the number of unread bulletins advertised on the banner to 0.
The Dashboard Menu
The Dashboard Menu will show various categories allowing you to quickly access your work. The categories that display here will vary based on your user role as well as which department is selected in the Departments menu.
- Running Timers - This section will show any timers that are currently running, giving a snapshot of work that is currently in progress.
- Pending Requests - Tap this section to view and approve any work orders waiting for your approval.
- Incomplete Work Orders - This section will show all open work orders assigned to anyone, as well as work orders that still remain unassigned.
- Unassigned Work Orders - All work that has not yet been assigned a worker will show in this section.
- Due Today - This section will display any work that is due today.
- Just My Work - Tap here to show any work that is assigned to you.
- Open Surveys/Inspections - This section will show any open surveys/inspections that require responses.
The Actions Menu
The Actions menu contains common actions such as creating a new request or entering a meter reading. It also contains the Logout button. Tap the appropriate panel to navigate to the action you need to perform.
Sorting and Filtering Work Orders
The Mobile Worx Dashboard equips you with features for sorting and filtering work orders. The Sort and Filter features can help you manage work orders more effectively, and can be especially helpful for technicians to plan their days.
Sorting Work Orders
Tap the Dashboard menu category you want to sort, for example Incomplete Work or Just My Work.
Tap the Sort drop-down on the top-right corner of your screen.
Select the criteria for sorting the work orders. You can sort by Priority, Due Date, Start Date, Location, or Worker.
Sort by Location to help plan your work day. Viewing all the work needed at a particular location will keep you from zig-zagging across campuses and help you work more efficiently.
Filtering Work Orders
Tap the Dashboard menu category you want to filter, for example Incomplete Work or Just My Work.
Specify the work orders you want to see by using the Filter feature. Tap the Filter icon (
) and choose your filter from the following criteria:
Show All
Only Show Projects
Hide Projects
Only Show Demand/Corrective
Only Show PM/Recurring